Go; Design for change

Gregory Vinčić, 2023

A story

From the simplest "func main" to a large service. What choices to consider when your project grows and how to keep it on track for future changes.
We begin with a small project and then evolve it. Along the way depending on the choices we make, the design will change. I'll refer to directory layout, not as structure but as design.

func main()

$ tree rebel
rebel ├── go.mod └── main.go 0 directories, 2 files
  1 // Command rebel generates rebelious statement.
  2 package main
  4 import "fmt"
  6 func main() {
  7     Shout()
  8 }
 10 // Shout writes a statement to os.Stdout
 11 func Shout() {
 12     fmt.Println("We are Rebelz!")
 13 }

Let's kick off our project. We'll name it "rebel" and use the repository domain "github.com/preferit/rebel". We choose to create a command, ie. package main. The implications for our ability to evolve


  • Easy to share command with go install github.com/preferit/rebel@latest


  • You Cannot share any logic within it with others (including yourself), Go disallows the import of main packages
  • API documentation is hidden when using e.g. go doc, as a result of (1)

You code along...

You have no intention to share any logic, the command is for you alone. You are happy and code along the nice feature of randomizing rebelious statements.

  1 // Command rebel generates rebelious statement.
  2 package main
  4 import (
  5     "fmt"
  6     "math/rand"
  7 )
  9 func main() {
 10     Shout()
 11 }
 13 // Shout writes a statement to os.Stdout
 14 func Shout() {
 15     fmt.Println(RandValue(phrases))
 16 }
 18 // RandValue returns a random element of the given slice or the zero value.
 19 func RandValue[T any](slice []T) (v T) {
 20     if len(slice) == 0 {
 21         return
 22     }
 23     i := rand.Intn(len(slice))
 24     return slice[i]
 25 }
 27 var phrases = []string{
 28     "We are Rebelz!",
 29     "You may take our lives, but you will never take our freeeedooooom!",
 30     "We ain't gonna take it, No!, we ain't gonna take it!",
 31 }
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── go.mod └── main.go 0 directories, 2 files

At this point your coworkers Max and Lisa see the work and you end up in a discussion;

Share with friends

- Max:  Would be nice to see that phrase when I login as the message of the day
- You:  Easy peasy, just go install ... and run it.
- Lisa: Can we include it on the intranet?
- You:  Hmm.. (you pause and start thinking)
- You:  Not really; you could use the binary, but it would be slow with all the
        traffic we have

Here you are faced with a decision on how to share the logic of generating a random rebelious statement.

  1. Redesign the logic as an importable package
  2. Write a small service with an API
  3. Share the data only and let them figure it out

The first and second option will both require some effort. As the consumers are your friends the first seems more fitting and much easier to do. The third option, though viable, does not help this presentation :-).

You go for option no. 1

First attempt at redesign

How do you convert the current state, a command, into an importable package while also keeping the command. First attempt; keep command in root and create a package with logic to generate the phrases.

$ tree rebel
rebel ├── go.mod ├── main.go └── phrase └── phrase.go 1 directory, 3 files
  1 // Command rebel generates rebelious statement.
  2 package main
  4 import (
  5     "os"
  7     "github.com/preferit/rebel/phrase"
  8 )
 10 func main() {
 11     phrase.Shout(os.Stdout)
 12 }
  1 package phrase
  3 import (
  4     "fmt"
  5     "io"
  6     "math/rand"
  7 )
  9 // Shout writes a statement to os.Stdout
 10 func Shout(w io.Writer) {
 11     fmt.Fprintln(w, RandValue(phrases))
 12 }
 14 // RandValue returns a random element of the given slice or the zero value.
 15 func RandValue[T any](slice []T) (v T) {
 16     if len(slice) == 0 {
 17         return
 18     }
 19     i := rand.Intn(len(slice))
 20     return slice[i]
 21 }
 23 var phrases = []string{
 24     "We are Rebelz!",
 25     "You may take our lives, but you will never take our freeeedooooom!",
 26     "We ain't gonna take it, No!, we ain't gonna take it!",
 27 }

Improve first redesign

We now have multiple stakeholders depending on it and going forward they might get affected. Our goal is to be able to make changes as freely as possible without affecting the stakeholders. Before we release these changes can we improve the design?

$ tree rebel
rebel ├── go.mod ├── main.go └── phrase ├── phrase.go └── phrase_test.go 1 directory, 4 files
  1 // Command rebel generates rebelious statement.
  2 package main
  4 import (
  5     "fmt"
  6     "os"
  8     "github.com/preferit/rebel/phrase"
  9 )
 11 func main() {
 12     phrase.Shout(os.Stdout)
 13     fmt.Println()
 14 }
  1 package phrase
  3 import (
  4     "fmt"
  5     "io"
  6     "math/rand"
  7 )
  9 // Shout writes a statement to os.Stdout
 10 func Shout(w io.Writer) {
 11     fmt.Fprint(w, randValue(phrases))
 12 }
 14 // randValue returns a random element of the given slice or the zero value.
 15 func randValue[T any](slice []T) (v T) {
 16     if len(slice) == 0 {
 17         return
 18     }
 19     i := rand.Intn(len(slice))
 20     return slice[i]
 21 }
 23 var phrases = []string{
 24     "We are Rebelz!",
 25     "You may take our lives, but you will never take our freeeedooooom!",
 26     "We ain't gonna take it, No!, we ain't gonna take it!",
 27 }

What are the implications of our current design?

  • Lisa can import import github.com/preferit/rebel/phrase
  • Max can install go install github.com/preferit/rebel@latest

Minimize repetition

It feels ok, current needs are met. You and Max quickly notice that the same phrase appears over and over and add a the feature of keeping last shouted phrase in a temporary file to minimize the repetition when you run your commands.

  1 // Command rebel generates rebelious statement.
  2 package main
  4 import (
  5     "bytes"
  6     "fmt"
  7     "os"
  9     "github.com/preferit/rebel/phrase"
 10 )
 12 func main() {
 13     // cache of last statement
 14     cache := "/tmp/lastphrase"
 15     last, _ := os.ReadFile(cache)
 16     // ignore error, we don't care
 17     var buf bytes.Buffer
 18     for {
 19         buf.Reset()
 20         phrase.Shout(&buf)
 21         if bytes.Equal(last, buf.Bytes()) {
 22             continue
 23         }
 24         break
 25     }
 26     // save
 27     _ = os.WriteFile(cache, buf.Bytes(), 0644)
 28     fmt.Println(buf.String())
 29 }
  1 package phrase
  3 import (
  4     "fmt"
  5     "io"
  6     "math/rand"
  7 )
  9 // Shout writes a statement to os.Stdout
 10 func Shout(w io.Writer) {
 11     fmt.Fprint(w, randValue(phrases))
 12 }
 14 // randValue returns a random element of the given slice or the zero value.
 15 func randValue[T any](slice []T) (v T) {
 16     if len(slice) == 0 {
 17         return
 18     }
 19     i := rand.Intn(len(slice))
 20     return slice[i]
 21 }
 23 var phrases = []string{
 24     "We are Rebelz!",
 25     "You may take our lives, but you will never take our freeeedooooom!",
 26     "We ain't gonna take it, No!, we ain't gonna take it!",
 27 }

The first deadend

Shortly after, Lisa swings by your office asking if you could implement something that doesn't repeat the same phrase every day? But you just did, how do you now share it with Lisa? At this point you'll realize that the initial redesign with the added phrase package, may need to change and your own code updated. This is one of those deadends where you have to turn around and find another path.

We can explore ways to use the current design, e.g. put some caching mechanism into the phrase package, but that seems out of place. Also the caching for the command invocation locally on your computer may differ from what is available on the intranet site, you don't know at this point. If we backtrack to the time where Max and Lisa came onboard, could we have taken a different route that would avoid this scenario?

What did we do wrong?

Let's go through our reasoning and see if we can find the culprit before trying to solve it. Lisa and Max where not very specific about their needs just that they wanted to show a random phrase in different ways, in the terminal and on a webpage. We choose to extract the phrase generating logic for Lisa to use and told Max to use the command. Then we added more logic in the command, because it was You and Max that saw the problem. What Lisa wants now is the logic that is found in the command, but her current dependency is elsewhere.

Looking at the code more closely we placed func Shout inside the phrase package, why? phrases don't shout, rebels do. So if we want to keep func Shout in the package rebel And we want to share it with Lisa, how do we solve that?

$ tree rebel
rebel ├── go.mod ├── main.go └── phrase ├── phrase.go └── phrase_test.go 1 directory, 4 files
  1 // Command rebel generates rebelious statement.
  2 package main
  4 import (
  5     "fmt"
  6     "os"
  8     "github.com/preferit/rebel/phrase"
  9 )
 11 func main() {
 12     phrase.Shout(os.Stdout)
 13     fmt.Println()
 14 }
  1 package phrase
  3 import (
  4     "fmt"
  5     "io"
  6     "math/rand"
  7 )
  9 // Shout writes a statement to os.Stdout
 10 func Shout(w io.Writer) {
 11     fmt.Fprint(w, randValue(phrases))
 12 }
 14 // randValue returns a random element of the given slice or the zero value.
 15 func randValue[T any](slice []T) (v T) {
 16     if len(slice) == 0 {
 17         return
 18     }
 19     i := rand.Intn(len(slice))
 20     return slice[i]
 21 }
 23 var phrases = []string{
 24     "We are Rebelz!",
 25     "You may take our lives, but you will never take our freeeedooooom!",
 26     "We ain't gonna take it, No!, we ain't gonna take it!",
 27 }
Move command, keep domain logic.

Move command, keep domain logic

$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   └── rebel │   └── main.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go └── rebel_test.go 2 directories, 5 files
  1 // Command rebel generates rebelious statement.
  2 package main
  4 import (
  5     "fmt"
  6     "os"
  8     "github.com/preferit/rebel"
  9 )
 11 func main() {
 12     rebel.MinimizeRepetition = true
 13     rebel.Shout(os.Stdout)
 14     fmt.Println()
 15 }
  1 package rebel
  3 import (
  4     "io"
  5     "os"
  6 )
  8 // Shout writes a statement to os.Stdout. Affected by
  9 // MinimizeRepetition flag.
 10 func Shout(w io.Writer) {
 11     next := randValue(phrases)
 13     if MinimizeRepetition {
 14         cache := "/tmp/lastphrase"
 15         last, _ := os.ReadFile(cache)
 16         for {
 17             if string(last) == next {
 18                 next = randValue(phrases)
 19                 continue
 20             }
 21             break
 22         }
 23         _ = os.WriteFile(cache, []byte(next), 0644)
 24     }
 25     w.Write([]byte(next))
 26 }
 28 var MinimizeRepetition bool

This design, is as effortless as the first attempt at the decision point, but it makes it easier to evolve the rebel logic. It also forces you to design rebel features in such a way that they may be used by Lisa as well as Max.

With this design, if Lisa came along with the same request; you could easily tell her to set MinimizeRepetition to true.

compare #7

Lisa wants a service

The project will grow and at some point Lisa comes by and says they are switching languages for the intranet implementation but they really want to have access to the logic of generating rebelious statements. Could you write a service that exposes it?
Easy peasy, but where to put it? we a few choices


Add the service logic in existing command


Add the service logic in package rebel


Add the service logic in package rebel/service


New command only


Combine option 3 and 4

Lisa wants a service

The project will grow and at some point Lisa comes by and says they are switching languages for the intranet implementation but they really want to have access to the logic of generating rebelious statements. Could you write a service that exposes it?
Easy peasy, but where to put it? we a few choices


Add the service logic in existing command
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   └── rebel │   ├── main.go │   └── service.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go └── rebel_test.go 2 directories, 6 files


  • Package rebel remains untouched
  • API logic separated from domain logic


  • Existing command increases in complexity that Max does not need
  • API logic mixed with command logic


Add the service logic in package rebel


Add the service logic in package rebel/service


New command only


Combine option 3 and 4

Lisa wants a service

The project will grow and at some point Lisa comes by and says they are switching languages for the intranet implementation but they really want to have access to the logic of generating rebelious statements. Could you write a service that exposes it?
Easy peasy, but where to put it? we a few choices


Add the service logic in existing command
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   └── rebel │   ├── main.go │   └── service.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go └── rebel_test.go 2 directories, 6 files


  • Package rebel remains untouched
  • API logic separated from domain logic


  • Existing command increases in complexity that Max does not need
  • API logic mixed with command logic


Add the service logic in package rebel
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   └── rebel │   └── main.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go ├── rebel_test.go └── service.go 2 directories, 6 files


  • I can't see any


  • Existing command increases in complexity that Max does not need
  • API logic mixed with domain logic


Add the service logic in package rebel/service


New command only


Combine option 3 and 4

Lisa wants a service

The project will grow and at some point Lisa comes by and says they are switching languages for the intranet implementation but they really want to have access to the logic of generating rebelious statements. Could you write a service that exposes it?
Easy peasy, but where to put it? we a few choices


Add the service logic in existing command
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   └── rebel │   ├── main.go │   └── service.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go └── rebel_test.go 2 directories, 6 files


  • Package rebel remains untouched
  • API logic separated from domain logic


  • Existing command increases in complexity that Max does not need
  • API logic mixed with command logic


Add the service logic in package rebel
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   └── rebel │   └── main.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go ├── rebel_test.go └── service.go 2 directories, 6 files


  • I can't see any


  • Existing command increases in complexity that Max does not need
  • API logic mixed with domain logic


Add the service logic in package rebel/service
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   └── rebel │   └── main.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go ├── rebel_test.go └── service └── service.go 3 directories, 6 files


  • Package rebel remains untouched
  • API logic separated from domain logic


  • Existing command increases in complexity that Max does not need


New command only


Combine option 3 and 4

Lisa wants a service

The project will grow and at some point Lisa comes by and says they are switching languages for the intranet implementation but they really want to have access to the logic of generating rebelious statements. Could you write a service that exposes it?
Easy peasy, but where to put it? we a few choices


Add the service logic in existing command
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   └── rebel │   ├── main.go │   └── service.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go └── rebel_test.go 2 directories, 6 files


  • Package rebel remains untouched
  • API logic separated from domain logic


  • Existing command increases in complexity that Max does not need
  • API logic mixed with command logic


Add the service logic in package rebel
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   └── rebel │   └── main.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go ├── rebel_test.go └── service.go 2 directories, 6 files


  • I can't see any


  • Existing command increases in complexity that Max does not need
  • API logic mixed with domain logic


Add the service logic in package rebel/service
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   └── rebel │   └── main.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go ├── rebel_test.go └── service └── service.go 3 directories, 6 files


  • Package rebel remains untouched
  • API logic separated from domain logic


  • Existing command increases in complexity that Max does not need


New command only
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   ├── rebel │   │   └── main.go │   └── rebelsrv │   ├── main.go │   └── service.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go └── rebel_test.go 3 directories, 7 files


  • Package rebel remains untouched
  • API logic separated from domain logic
  • Existing command remains intact


  • Build complexity increases, each stakeholder has their own command


Combine option 3 and 4

Lisa wants a service

The project will grow and at some point Lisa comes by and says they are switching languages for the intranet implementation but they really want to have access to the logic of generating rebelious statements. Could you write a service that exposes it?
Easy peasy, but where to put it? we a few choices


Add the service logic in existing command
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   └── rebel │   ├── main.go │   └── service.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go └── rebel_test.go 2 directories, 6 files


  • Package rebel remains untouched
  • API logic separated from domain logic


  • Existing command increases in complexity that Max does not need
  • API logic mixed with command logic


Add the service logic in package rebel
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   └── rebel │   └── main.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go ├── rebel_test.go └── service.go 2 directories, 6 files


  • I can't see any


  • Existing command increases in complexity that Max does not need
  • API logic mixed with domain logic


Add the service logic in package rebel/service
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   └── rebel │   └── main.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go ├── rebel_test.go └── service └── service.go 3 directories, 6 files


  • Package rebel remains untouched
  • API logic separated from domain logic


  • Existing command increases in complexity that Max does not need


New command only
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   ├── rebel │   │   └── main.go │   └── rebelsrv │   ├── main.go │   └── service.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go └── rebel_test.go 3 directories, 7 files


  • Package rebel remains untouched
  • API logic separated from domain logic
  • Existing command remains intact


  • Build complexity increases, each stakeholder has their own command


Combine option 3 and 4
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   ├── rebel │   │   └── main.go │   └── rebelsrv │   └── main.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go ├── rebel_test.go └── service └── service.go 4 directories, 7 files

Let's go with this one. Lisa got her service and Max is unaffected by the change.

The crawl feature

The service is up and running and you get an idea of adding a feature to package rebel for scanning the web for statements that the rebel can shout. It doesn't feel like the feature fits in the rebel package directly but will be used by it. Let's call the feature crawl, but where to put it?


Add it directly in package rebel


Add to a sub package


Add it to an internal/crawl package

The crawl feature

The service is up and running and you get an idea of adding a feature to package rebel for scanning the web for statements that the rebel can shout. It doesn't feel like the feature fits in the rebel package directly but will be used by it. Let's call the feature crawl, but where to put it?


Add it directly in package rebel
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   ├── rebel │   │   └── main.go │   └── rebelsrv │   └── main.go ├── crawl.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go ├── rebel_test.go └── service └── service.go 4 directories, 8 files


  • Easy to edit initially


  • Tightly coupled with the rebel domain logic


Add to a sub package


Add it to an internal/crawl package

The crawl feature

The service is up and running and you get an idea of adding a feature to package rebel for scanning the web for statements that the rebel can shout. It doesn't feel like the feature fits in the rebel package directly but will be used by it. Let's call the feature crawl, but where to put it?


Add it directly in package rebel
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   ├── rebel │   │   └── main.go │   └── rebelsrv │   └── main.go ├── crawl.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go ├── rebel_test.go └── service └── service.go 4 directories, 8 files


  • Easy to edit initially


  • Tightly coupled with the rebel domain logic


Add to a sub package
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   ├── rebel │   │   └── main.go │   └── rebelsrv │   └── main.go ├── crawl │   └── crawl.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go ├── rebel_test.go └── service └── service.go 5 directories, 8 files


  • Decoupled from domain logic


  • You immediately need to be aware of it being importable


Add it to an internal/crawl package

The crawl feature

The service is up and running and you get an idea of adding a feature to package rebel for scanning the web for statements that the rebel can shout. It doesn't feel like the feature fits in the rebel package directly but will be used by it. Let's call the feature crawl, but where to put it?


Add it directly in package rebel
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   ├── rebel │   │   └── main.go │   └── rebelsrv │   └── main.go ├── crawl.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go ├── rebel_test.go └── service └── service.go 4 directories, 8 files


  • Easy to edit initially


  • Tightly coupled with the rebel domain logic


Add to a sub package
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   ├── rebel │   │   └── main.go │   └── rebelsrv │   └── main.go ├── crawl │   └── crawl.go ├── go.mod ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go ├── rebel_test.go └── service └── service.go 5 directories, 8 files


  • Decoupled from domain logic


  • You immediately need to be aware of it being importable


Add it to an internal/crawl package
$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   ├── rebel │   │   └── main.go │   └── rebelsrv │   └── main.go ├── go.mod ├── internal │   └── crawl │   └── crawl.go ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go ├── rebel_test.go └── service └── service.go 6 directories, 8 files


  • Separated from domain logic
  • Cannot be imported by modules outside of the rebel module


  • Can be imported by packages within this modules that you might want to move
Let's go with this option

The team grows

You've come a long way since that early func main. The service is growing as Lisa finds new features to add. At some point you need to bring in more people to work on the service side. Initially you might start working in the same repository but down the road it may make more sense to split the service into it's own. The latter is what we're interested in.

$ tree rebel
rebel ├── cmd │   ├── rebel │   │   └── main.go │   └── rebelsrv │   └── main.go ├── go.mod ├── internal │   └── crawl │   └── crawl.go ├── phrase.go ├── rebel.go ├── rebel_test.go └── service └── service.go 6 directories, 8 files

Dependencies as layers

The design for change requires awareness of where we might end up in the future and selecting a route that enables it as frictionless as possible. Ie. if we'd selected option 4 when adding the service, the move at the end would have been even easier at the expense of mixing service logic with command logic. Depending on the service this may be a good tradeof.

You see these layerd packages e.g. net/http and encoding/json

Final thoughts

  • Keep domain logic in root
  • Add exposing layers ABOVE the domain layer
  • Expose minimal API for your stakeholders
  • Add internal technical layers BELOW in internal/
  • Only import internal packages from parent